Phytoplankton & Zooplankton

Coming Soon
Phytoplankton Bloom- Photo by National Geographic

The pictures above show phytoplankton on the microscopic level
Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that are the major producers of the Antarctic
Phytoplankton are the food source for Zooplankton
Due to an extremely low Reynold's number, the phytoplankton move with the currents (they get pushed around!)

Small (1 cm to 15 cm) shrimp-like creatures
Provides a food source for most other life forms in Antarctica, such as penguins
Sometimes found in groups called swarms
Due to a low Reynold's number, the krill mostly move with the currents (because they will use less energy) but they can also move freely

The picture to the left shows a tow net off the back of the Laurence M. Gould. The ship that got us to Antarctica! The net will help us catch a variety of small marine animals that are collectively called zooplankton. The net is lowered and the boat drives forward.